Archicad goodies
Archicad goodies

The location of these additional add-ons in the menu structure depends on where the Add-On Anchor Point is located for that menu.

archicad goodies

You can freely customize visibility and the menu and toolbar location of these integrated add-ons in the settings dialogs of Options > Work Environment > Menus/Toolbars. Show information about the loaded Add-Ons.Control which Add-Ons should load automatically when ARCHICAD is started.Permanently remove Add-Ons while ARCHICAD is running.They will be loaded after the next startup of ARCHICAD Open the Add-On Manager using Options > Add-On Manager command. Goodies are other Add-Ons that are not integrated into ARCHICAD’s default interface.

archicad goodies

Many add-ons are integrated as ARCHICAD menu commands. Add-Ons are small applications that extend ARCHICAD’s core functionality.

Archicad goodies